1. As Iran sees widespread protests, the system the Ayatollah built has started showing signs of age, writes Stanly Johny. We also looked at the causes for the protests in this podcast with Dr. Anuradha Chenoy, former professor of international relations, Jawaharlal Nehru University, who explains why Iranian women are taking to the streets.
  2. Also on Iran: New Delhi is in a bind on how to balance its cooperation with Tehran with its other bilateral ties, writes Suhasini Haidar.
  3. As Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva challenges Brazil’s far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a closely fought election, Srinivasan Ramani looks at the politics of the former President, who has promised a new form of welfarism with ecological and infrastructure spending.
  4. Meera Srinivasan reports from Sri Lanka on how refugee families are leading especially precarious lives amid the country’s economic downturn, marked by sharp inflation, soaring living costs and shortages that have prompted scores of Sri Lankans to desperately leave the country.
  5. We look ahead to China’s all-important Communist Party congress, which opens in Beijing on October 16, and explain what is at stake.