1. Vinay Kaura writes on why it may be time for India to redefine its relationship with Russia.
  2. Ugo Astuto, Ambassador of the European Union to India, writes why Vladimir Putin’s illegal aggression against a sovereign country must stop, in an article co-signed by the Ambassadors and High Commissioners of 27 EU Member States.
  3. Stanly Johny on the significance of Mariupol in Russia’s plans as it moves ahead with establishing a land bridge to Crimea.
  4. Vivek Katju explains India’s complex position on the issue of Islamophobia in the wake of the United Nations General Assembly adopting a consensus Resolution declaring March 15 annually as the ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’.
  5. Vikas Dhoot writes on the significance of India’s outbound shipments in the financial year 2021-22 hitting $400 billion, the highest on record.