1. The illogical rejection of the idea of South Asia: South Asia appears to be the exception and the outlier to the most logical principle now — regional cooperation, writes Suhasini Haidar.
  2. Signals of a slow return to peace in Syria: As Syria enters the 13th year of its lethal civil conflict, a bomb explosion in Istanbul on November 13, that killed six persons, seems to have accelerated a diplomatic process which could bring peace to that tormented land, writes Talmiz Ahmad.
  3. The futility of underbalancing China: India needs clarity on how its key strategic partnerships and defence agreements will come to its aid in the event of an escalatory situation with China, writes Happymon Jacob.
  4. The political flux in Pakistan: The effects of political engineering by the deep state to certain ends for the 2018 election can still be felt in Pakistan especially in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan, writes Suba Chandran.
  5. Jacinda Ardern | The woman who defied realpolitik: New Zealand’s Prime Minister, who announced her resignation citing burnout, offered an alternative leadership model rooted in a moral vision rather than political opportunism and rose to become a global hero of liberalism, G. Sampath writes in The Hindu Profiles.