Notwithstanding the progress achieved in the registration of regular lands, ambiguity still prevails over the regularisation of assignment lands. There are over 24 lakh acre assignment lands spread across the State, given to various categories of people like freedom fighters, ex-servicemen and political sufferers.
A majority of these lands is, however, placed in the prohibited category and even some patta lands have been kept under the category causing difficulties to farmers who were given the benefit. “Around 30% lands in several survey numbers are placed in the prohibited list. They have not been removed from the prohibited category although amendments have been made to the relevant acts,” land laws expert M. Sunil Kumar said.
The government should at least consider the option of regularising some categories of lands — lands assigned before 1958, those given to ex-servicemen, freedom fighters and political sufferers treating them as exceptional category, he suggested.
According to him, applications for removal of patta lands from the prohibited list have been pending with district collectors while these have been rejected without assigning any reason in some instances.
There were also problems with the correction module introduced in Dharani portal for those seeking change in the nature of their lands. “Applications are being received, but no action has been initiated,” he said.
Published - June 02, 2022 12:45 pm IST