Taking a serious note of the recent suicides in Telangana, Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan called for a detailed report from the Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) on the existing standard operating procedures to deal with incidents of harassment and ragging in colleges.
In a letter to the Vice-Chancellor of KNRUHS, the Governor termed Preethi’s death as terrible and sought a thorough inquiry from all possible angles to find out the truth.
She inquired about the SOP manuals in place regarding the duty hours of medicos and assistant professors, and CCTV cameras at medical colleges and hospitals. Issues such as functioning of grievance redressal cell, addressing the concerns of victims, evaluation of feedback from students and their working conditions were also highlighted by the Governor.
The letter called for strengthening of grievance redressal mechanisms and creation of a student counselling cell headed by the HOD of Psychiatry wing in each medical college. It also focussed on losing of precious time shifting Preethi to NIMS.
The super-speciality experts and required medical equipment should have been present at MGM Hospital so as to give her the best possible treatment, she added, and directed the VC to create better awareness among medicos and faculty and implement effective strategies to prevent any such unfortunate incidents in future.