The Delhi High Court rejected Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s interim plea to be released from Enforcement Directorate’s custody. The bench of Justice Swarna Kanta Sharma stated that the ED has to be granted an opportunity to file a reply, as an opportunity for effective representation, and declining this opportunity would amount to denial of fair hearing as well as violation of one of the principles of natural justice. The court fixed the matter for April 3.
Mr. Kejriwal is likely to be produced before a Delhi court on March 28 on the conclusion of his Enforcement Directorate custodial remand.
Also read: Arvind Kejriwal arrest LIVE updates- March 28
Stressing that no money was found in multiple Enforcement Directorate raids, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita said her husband would do a “big expose” on the alleged excise policy scam in court on March 28.
Mr. Kejriwal was arrested on March 21 and subsequently remanded to the custody of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) till March 28 by a court in New Delhi in the Delhi excise policy-linked money laundering case. He faces allegations of direct involvement in a conspiracy related to the formulation of the policy favouring specific individuals.
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