Telegram will be launching Stories in early July. Telegram Stories, placed in the expandable section at the top of the chat list, will come with the ability to have them displayed permanently or be deleted after a set time period, CEO Pavel Durov shared on the platform.
In addition to selecting visibility time periods, users will also have the ability to to choose between who can see the stories with the option being everyone, only contacts, and few selected contacts.
Additionally, channels on Telegram will have the ability to repost content to stories making it easier for content to go viral on the platform.
The move to introduce stories comes in response to demands from users, with “more than half” of feature requests received by the platform related to stories the post from Durov said.
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With Instagram “Reels” and TikTok becoming popular among users, more and more social networking platforms have introduced similar formats. However, not all platforms have found success with “stories” feature, with some tweaking or evening removing them to focus on other areas to drive user engagement.
Earlier in May, YouTube announced it is removing Stories from the platform to focus its efforts on Shorts, long-form videos, and lives. YouTube had introduced the feature in 2017 under the name Reels.