• 88% of menstruating women in India use home-grown alternatives like old fabric, rags, sand, ash, wood shavings, newspapers, dried leaves, hay, and plastic.
  • Girls are typically absent for 20% of the school year due to menstruation; there’s a 70% increase in incidence of reproductive tract infections owing to poor menstrual hygiene.
  • 23 million girls drop out of school annually, due to lack of proper menstrual hygiene management facilities, which include availability of sanitary napkins.
  • – Spot On, report by Dasra, 2014
  • 121 million girls and women are currently using an average of eight non-compostable sanitary pads a month. The menstrual waste generated in India is estimated to be 113,000 tonnes annually.
  • – The Menstrual Health Alliance India, 2017