• Burning Man took place this year from August 25 to September 3. The dates for 2019 are August 25 to September 2.
  • It all started as a summer solstice ritual in 1986, when Larry Harvey and his friend Jerry James created a wooden man and burnt it at a beach in San Francisco. As the 8-foot man was devoured by angry yellow flames, a little crowd gathered to watch.
  • In 1990, it moved to its present location in Black Rock Desert, Nevada. A temporary city is built every year. Called Black Rock City, it plays host to participants who live in tents and RVs for the 10 days of the festival.
  • The festival is primarily anti-consumerism and celebrates self-expression. That explains all the art work, workshops and performances. Once in this city, everything is free. It’s a space for hope, love, warmth and giving.
  • Participants follow the ten main principles the festival is based on. These include: ‘radical’ inclusion, self-reliance and self-expression, as well as community cooperation, civic responsibility, gifting, decommodification , participation, immediacy, and leaving no trace .
  • There is a theme every year. This year’s was I, Robot.