• Build a robust infrastructure for tech-enabled teaching-learning, ensuring both students and teachers are fully equipped for the digital transformation in higher education
  • Create a three-way communication channel between students, teachers and the government, which operates offline and online and bridges the teaching-learning gaps in areas without an Internet/4G access.
  • Relax criteria/policies for universities to offer online and hybrid degrees. This will enable universities to cater to a much wider audience in tier-2 and tier-3 cities, making degree certifications much more economical and logistically easier.
  • Boost counsellor/teacher capacity to provide psychological support within institutions, catering to the growing mental health issues. Teachers should be trained to understand their students’ mental health needs.
  • Build, maintain, and fund entrepreneurial ecosystems in universities, leading to job creation in the short run and boosting the economy in future.
  • Increase upper cap over financial support for biotech research projects, to ensure there is no constraint for students/faculty doing COVID-19 related research.
  • Push collaboration for interdisciplinary research. For example, motivating research across engineering, medical and management, which may bring innovative outcomes.
  • Set up Disaster Management Research Centres. All universities must have a mandatory course on Disaster Management to ensure that everyone is prepared for a sudden crisis like this one and can ensure least damage.