• Working from home for most families means the children will be making the most of the surrounding gadgets. Dr Anuradha Vinod, consultant paediatrician at Manipal Hospitals, Bengaluru, explains, “We usually don’t encourage screen time at all. At times like these, it could be unavoidable. But we can limit screen time to one or two hours. And, it is actually not necessary to engage them with a tablet or a phone all the time. It is actually a good time to bond with family and also enhance their creativity. It is risky for parents to give their phones to children, especially for those who have to head out every day. All kinds of viruses can spread through the phone since children hold it against their faces. We are also asking parents to make sure children are washing their hands before every meal and snack. They should take a shower first thing in the morning.”
  • Input from Praveen Sudevan