• Watch and list birds from home or nearby places.
  • Keep your optics to yourself. Don’t share your scope, binoculars, or camera with others; disinfect the eye caps of your optics after each birding trip.
  • Maintain distance. If you are birding near others (whether they are birders or not), maintain at least 6 ft of space between yourself and other people at all times.
  • Share checklists, not phones. ebird mobile users should avoid passing phones to review checklists for the time being. Confirm lists verbally before submission and if you need to make changes after you submit, it is easy to share and correct lists on the ebird mobile app.
  • Wear a face mask once you leave home, and continue to wear it till you return.
  • Carry a sanitiser or soap in your birding bag and use it wherever required.
  • Travel alone, if it is a two-wheeler, and travel with less than two other persons in a four-wheeler.
  • On return from birding, wash your hands with soap immediately and thoroughly. Take a bath if you can manage it
  • To know more, visit birdcount.in