• *The petition seeks a tree authority comprising Government officials and citizens who will “work for the conservation, education and better management of trees in urban areas”.
  • *It bats for heritage status for all trees over 50 years of age, which would automatically accord them “special protection with free and proper maintenance”.
  • *There should be regular recording of trees in each zone to ensure their continual maintenance, the petition says. That should be part of a larger “programme to comprehensively map, monitor and care for urban trees”.
  • *Besides a tree helpline, a request has been made for a tree app “for the public to report tree abuse”. The app should “be updated about activities and laws, engage actively with urban greening”. The petition also highlights the necessity of creating a culture of accountability where violence/ abuse of trees is met with “heavy fine and penal action”.
  • *The petition also spells out “compensatory afforestation” where trees have received the axe.
  • *It wants the Act to ensure native and and habitat-specific species are carefully chosen to maintain ecological balance of a given area. It also seeks “special recognition of mangrove species and promotion of mangrove afforestation”.