Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with and advice to 400-odd NDA MPs on Sunday (“Modi marshals NDA MPs,” Oct. 27) to take his government’s pro-poor initiatives to the people has sent out a strong message that the government is not just pro-rich or pro-corporate. That he was concise and selective in dealing with burning issues and highlighted the scope for administrative, legal, judicial, electoral and police reforms is welcome. No initiative has been taken so far for inclusive development as well as good governance, and to ensure minimum government and maximum governance as promised during the election campaign. Mr. Modi missed the opportunity to advise the MPs on wide-ranging issues of priority ahead of the winter session of Parliament.
M.Y. Shariff,Chennai
I found it ironic that Mr. Modi asked the MPs to take his pro-poor initiatives proactively to the people. How does he intend to do this when he is cutting budgetary allocation to the UPA’s pro-poor flagship programme, MGNREGA? Mr. Modi needs to show that he is practising things that he preaches.
Rakesh R.V.,Thiruvananthapuram
Published - October 28, 2014 01:17 am IST