• The NEET- PG exam, which is generally held in December-January, for the 2019-20 batch was postponed due to the pandemic and finally held in September 2020. But counselling for students has not been conducted yet because of cases pending in the Supreme Court over reservations to the EWS.
  • The delay in counselling has resulted in shortage of doctors at hospitals, increasing workload for existing resident doctors and uncertainty for the candidates. The agitation against this delay began on November 27 with resident doctors boycotting work in the OPD which gradually escalated to “withdrawal from all service”.
  • The case in question was filed by NEET aspirants challenging a notification announcing 27% quota to OBCs and 10% reservation to EWS in the All India Quota category. On November 25, the Central Government informed the Supreme Court that it has taken a “considered decision” to revisit the “criteria” for determining EWS. However, no conclusive solution has been reached.