The Mumbai police on Friday arrested Shobhan Mehta, one of the top most bookies in the country, in relation with the betting scandal that broke out during the recently held Indian Premier League (IPL). He was arrested from a casino in Goa and he was with his family when the arrest took place.
According to the sources in Mumbai police, Mehta was in Goa since June 20. His last call was traced from Mumbai airport around May 15. The sources said that, Mehta was in touch with other top bookies such as Tinku Delhi, Jupiter and Pavan Jaipur.
“He (Mehta) was in touch with all the bookies that we had arrested in May during IPL. According to the information available with us, he has earned around Rs 60 crores from betting in different seasons of IPL,” said an official.
Mehta is likely to be produced in the magistrate court on Saturday. Being known for his high profile list of clients, his arrest is likely to expose more names involved in the betting scandal.
Published - July 05, 2013 07:09 pm IST