Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing “deep concern and pain” over the situation in Kashmir, Home Minister Rajnath Singh will undertake a two-day visit to the Valley from Wednesday. The Home Minister will review the situation and may hold talks with a cross section of people.
A senior Home Ministry official said Mr. Singh would not extend an exclusive invitation to the separatists but he would welcome anyone who comes to meet him during his stay there.
This is his second visit in a month to the Valley which has been witnessing unrest since July 8 when Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani was killed in an encounter with security forces.
During his visit, Mr. Singh is also likely to emphasise the various development projects and employment schemes undertaken for the youth in the Valley.
As many as 65 people, including two policemen, have been killed and several thousand injured so far in the violence there.
Constitutional framework “There will be no separate invitation for the separatists, but if they want to come and talk to the Home Minister, they are welcome. The talks will take place within the constitutional framework. He will be staying at the Nehru Guest House and anyone who wants to meet him can come there,” said a senior Ministry official.
Mr. Singh has also held meetings with some non-Kashmiri Muslim leaders in the past few days to find a solution to the Kashmir crisis. The government also intends to rope in the clergy to spread the message.
Former Jammu and Kashmir interlocutor M.M. Ansari, former Orissa High Court judge Ishrat Masroor Quddussi and security analyst Qamar Agha were the few personalities Mr. Singh met recently.
The Home Minister had said the Centre wants an “emotional relationship” with the State.