CBI Director Ranjit Sinha on Wednesday denied the existence of any visitors’ register at his official residence, on the basis of which he has been accused of meeting representatives of a company being probed by the agency in the 2G spectrum case.
Mr. Sinha termed the “visitors’ diary” being quoted in the media “fake.”
“There are only two registers maintained at my residence. As I am a Z-category protectee, security cover is provided to me by the Delhi Police. They maintain a register to record my movements and another to log entry of their own personnel,” Mr. Sinha said.
“The matter is before the Supreme Court, which will take a decision on the issue,” he added.
Advocate Prashant Bhushan had alleged that Mr. Sinha had met Reliance executives on a regular basis, despite the fact that the company was facing trial.
Published - September 04, 2014 04:52 am IST