The Delhi Police on Friday told a court here that investigation was continuing into a complaint that writer Arundhati Roy, hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, revolutionary poet Varavara Rao and four others allegedly made anti-India statements at a convention on Kashmir.
The Station House Officer of Tilak Marg police station, where the FIR was registered, submitted a status report in the court of Metropolitan Magistrate Navita Kumari Bagha.
Next hearing on May 5
Since Ms. Bagha is on leave, the next hearing on the matter has been slated for May 5. However, complainant Sushil Pandit said he would move an application for an early hearing and would seek transfer of the case either to the Crime Branch or to the Special Cell of the Delhi Police for quick conclusion of the investigation.
The FIR was registered at Tilak Marg police station on November 29 last. On January 6, the Magistrate also clubbed three other complaints received against Ms. Roy for her speech at the convention.
Published - February 26, 2011 01:52 am IST