A Delhi court on Thursday advanced to April 19 its next hearing on a complaint that writer Arundhati Roy, hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, revolutionary poet Varavara Rao and four others allegedly made anti-India statements at a convention on Kashmir. The matter was earlier slated for hearing on May 5.
Metropolitan Magistrate Navita Kumari Bagha directed the the Station House Officer of Tilak Marg police station to file a fresh status report on April 19 on the progress of the investigation.
The complainant, Sushil Pandit, had moved an application on Monday for early hearing. His counsel argued that the Delhi Police was aware that Mr. Geelani was in Delhi recently and that he was detained by the Special Cell in another case, but they did not question him in this case.
Published - March 10, 2011 10:35 pm IST