• Drink water as much as necessary in the glass. Bathing with water in a bucket without using the shower saves a lot of water. Avoid brushing teeth and shaving by keeping the tap on.
  • Do not keep water taps flowing while doing household chores. Instead, take water in pots and finish the work.
  • It is easy to wipe vehicles with a wet cloth by taking water in bucket without using a pipe to wash the vehicles. Instead of washing the tiles, galleries, verandas, staircases, etc., wipe them with a wet cloth.
  • Don’t throw away the previous day’s water as stale. Washing as many clothes as possible in a washing machine at one go can reduce the use of water alternatively.
  • Nozzles that limit the flow of taps as well as wash basin taps or allow water to flow in the form of a sprinkler are readily available in the market. It is possible to save as much as two-thirds of the water by making use of such nozzles. Therefore, citizens as well as all hotels and restaurants should use them.
  • In restaurants and hotels, customers should only drink water in glasses when they need it or should get a water bottle. This way, the glasses filled with water unnecessarily will not be wasted.
  • Water pipes and systems should be checked in all houses and housing societies. If there is a leak anywhere, it should be repaired immediately; it also saves water and does not contaminate the water. When filling the water tanks on the roof, it is necessary to ensure that they do not overflow.
  • All industries and commercial establishments where water is widely used also need to adopt procedures that can save water.