Indrani Mukerjea, accused of murdering Sheena Bora, and her husband Peter, had approached the Mumbai Police Crime Branch in 2012, claiming that Sheena had gone missing. Deven Bharti, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) at the time, said the couple had separately contacted him.
Indrani, Peter told police they had contacted Sheena
Deven Bharti, former Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime), said on Monday that Peter and Indrani had contacted him on the phone in 2012, claiming that they were unable to contact Sheena, and requested help in getting her cellular location.
Mr. Bharti, now Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), confirmed on Monday that later, on the same day, the police were informed that they had managed to contact Sheena.
“My officer was contacted by one of them and told they had managed to establish contact with Sheena and that we should not pursue the matter,” he said.
>The Sheena Bora murder: cast and plot of a real-life soap opera