• Promote seamless mobility through sustainable urban transport and integration of land use and transport planning in the Urban Mobility Region by preparing and updating regularly, the Comprehensive Mobility Plan.
  • Review and approve the City Mobility Investment Program prepared in accordance with the Comprehensive Mobility Plan.
  • Put in place frameworks, regulations, and mechanisms to establish an effective coordination mechanism, encompassing all strategic and operational matters, among various Urban Transport agencies, Infrastructure Development agencies and Traffic Management agencies providing facilities and services in the Urban Mobility Region.
  • Cause preparation of plans and implementation of travel demand management measures such as congestion pricing, parking regulations, tolling, special purpose lanes etc. to regulate travel demand.
  • Adopt standards and guidelines issued by the State Government, Central Government and agencies there-under from time to time
  • Establish a fully operable monitoring, verification, reporting and evaluation framework to monitor the performance indicators and service level benchmarks, and to ensure effective implementation of policies, plans, regulations related to Urban Mobility by all concerned agencies
  • Develop detailed frameworks for financial arrangements between Urban Mobility agencies for planning, project implementation and integrated management of mobility and transport networks
  • Assign the development, construction, repair, operation, and management of any integrated or stand-alone Urban Mobility facilities and services that aid and enhance the efficiency or service levels of Urban Mobility
  • Establish appropriate frameworks for engagement of private sector in planning, development and management of mobility service delivery and effective contract execution by the Urban Transport Agencies, Traffic Management Agencies and Infrastructure Development Agencies
  • Prepare norms for implementation of transportation projects on Public Private Partnership framework or through other financing mechanisms or instruments.