Thousands of devotees from various parts of Tamil Nadu and neighbouring States witnessed Soorasamharam(annihilation of demon) during the annual Kanda Sashti festival at Tiruchendur in Thoothukudi district on Saturday.
Devotees began their Sashti fast on the premises of Subramaniya Swami temple here when the Kanda Sashti yagasala puja started on November 13. Following viswaroopa deeparadhana and udhaya marthanda abhishekam, the yagasala puja started. After taking a holy dip in the sea, devotees offered prayers at the temple before starting their fast in 21 temporary sheds.
On Saturday, the rituals started at 1 a.m. and other traditional ceremonies were performed till the Soorasamharam began at 5.15 p.m.. After deeparadhana at Santhosha mandapam, Lord Murugan was taken out in a procession.
Police erected towers on the beach to monitor the crowd, besides fitting CCTC cameras at 80 places. Check-posts were erected at 20 spots in and around Tiruchendur. Six LED screens installed on the beach enabled the devotees to witness the Soorasahmaaram..
Temporary bus stands were set up around Tiruchendur and a strong contingent of police personnel were deployed at vital junctions, which prevented traffic snarls.