The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued a notice to the Delhi Government on a petition by Manu Sharma, serving life imprisonment in the Jessica Lall murder case, seeking parole to attend the pre-wedding and marriage ceremonies of his younger brother Kartik Sharma.
According to the petition, the marriage is scheduled to take place on November 21.
Before issuing the notice for November 14, Justice V.K. Shali was hesitant to take up the petition for hearing observing that the petitioner had in 2009 violated the parole conditions. He was seen in a discotheque while the Delhi Government had at that time granted parole to him to attend to his ailing mother and participate in the last rites of his grand-mother, Justice Shali further stated.
However, Justice Shali later agreed to hear the petition when counsel for Sharma argued that while taking up a parole petition for hearing, the conduct of only past one year was taken into account.
Sharma's mother was at that time seen briefing persons at a hotel for promotion of women cricket at Chandigarh while his grand-mother was found to have died in 2008.
While granting parole, the Delhi Government had directed him not leave Chandigarh.
Following reporting of violation of the parole norms in the media, he had to surrender before the Tihar Central Jail authorities here before expiry of his parole period.
Sharma has moved the High Court for parole following rejection of his application for the relief by the Delhi Government on October 21.
Sharma has been serving life imprisonment for shooting ramp model Jessica Lall when she had refused to serve drinks to him after closure of the bar for the day in the intervening night of April 29-30 in 1999.
She later succumbed to the bullet injuries at a private hospital here.
Published - November 03, 2011 10:37 am IST