Pierce Brosnan, the iconic James Bond of the 1990s and early 2000s, has voiced his support for Aaron Taylor-Johnson amid swirling rumors of the latter’s potential casting as the next 007 agent. Speaking on The Ray D’Arcy Show on RTÉ Radio 1, Brosnan expressed confidence in Taylor-Johnson’s abilities, affirming, “I think the man has the chops and the talent and the charisma to play Bond, very much so.”
Having portrayed the suave spy across four films, Brosnan’s endorsement carries weight in the ongoing speculation surrounding who will inherit the role from Daniel Craig post- No Time to Die. Reflecting on their shared history, Brosnan highlighted their collaboration on 2009’s, The Greatest, where he found Taylor-Johnson to be exceptional. “He was The Greatest in it,” Brosnan remarked, also citing the film’s ensemble cast including Carey Mulligan and Susan Sarandon.
“So yes, I read the news about his possibilities of being a Bond, so I would definitely tip my hat to the fellow”, said Brosnan.
Encouraging Taylor-Johnson for the potential mantle, Brosnan advised him to “be bold” and embrace the role wholeheartedly. This endorsement echoes sentiments expressed by another former Bond star, George Lazenby, who also backed Taylor-Johnson’s candidacy for the iconic role.
Published - March 27, 2024 03:01 pm IST