Telugu star Nani on Saturday announced that his next feature film will hit the theatres on December 21 this year. Tentatively called Nani 30, the family drama is written and directed by debutant Shoryuv.
Nani shared the release date of his upcoming big screen project on Twitter.
Details about the film's plot are currently under wraps. Mrunal Thakur is playing the female lead in the movie which is currently being filmed in Goa.
ALSO READ: Nani: Keerthy Suresh’s character Vennela is the heart of ‘Dasara’
Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) and Vijender Reddy Teegala are producing the project under the banner of Vyra Entertainments.
Nani is currently enjoying the success of his pan-Indian hit Dasara, directed by debutant Srikanth Odela. The period action drama released on March 30 and has raised over Rs 100 crore worldwide.