The first look of Samuthirakani’s next, Vimanam, has been released by the makers along with a promo video. The video features the actor alongside Master Dhruvan talking about the latter’s aspirations of flying on an aeroplane.
The Tamil-Telugu bilingual marks the comeback of Meera Jasmine and is written and directed by Siva Prasad Yanala. The rest of the cast includes Anasuya Bharadwaj, Naan Kadavul Rajendran, Rahul Ramakrishna, and Dhanraj.
Vimanam is produced by Zee Studios and Kiran Korrapari under KK Creative Works. In a statement, Akshay Kejriwal, Head of South Movies, Zee Studios, says “We are extremely proud to announce our collaboration on this project with KK Creative Works. It is our privilege to present Vimanam, which, with its strong storyline combined with a highly acclaimed cast and crew will take the audiences on an emotional roller coaster ride.”
Vimanam features a musical score by Charan Arjun and cinematography by Vivek Kalepu. The film will have its worldwide theatrical release on June 9, 2023.
Check out the promo video below...
Published - April 14, 2023 08:03 pm IST