Ahead of the upcoming 18th Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set for busy schedules, embarking on several public rallies and roadshows in the last couple of days — Karnataka’s Shivamogga; Jagtial in Telangana; Coimbatore and Salem in Tamil Nadu; and Palakkad in Kerala.
Throughout the roadshows and rallies, PM Modi’s cavalcade was flanked by people and the party’s supporters. On March 18, PM Modi paid homage to the 58 people who died in a series of bomb blasts 26 years ago — on February 14, 1998, in Coimbatore.
Here are a few pictures that have been sliced out from his election campaign in South India.
People raise ‘Bharat mata ki jai’, ‘Modiji swagatam’ and ‘Modi ki jai’ slogans as PM Narendra Modi’s roadshow proceeds from Kottamaidan Anchuvilakku, in Palakkad, Kerala.
Ahead of PM Modi’s roadshow in Kerala’s Palakkad, the security vehicle convoy conducts a rehearsal from Anjuvilaku to Moyan’s school Junction.
Security personnel stand guard ahead of PM Modi’s public meeting in Salem, Tamil Nadu on March 19, 2024. Alliance party leaders, including PMK founder S. Ramadoss, are likely to attend the public meeting.
Folk artists perform plays ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's roadshow, in Coimbatore on March 18, 2024.
A look at the special open-roof vehicle, sans decoration, ahead of PM Modi’s roadshow in Palakkad, on March 18, 2024.
BJP party functionaries, wearing masks depicting PM Modi’s face, wait to welcome him, on R.S. Puram Road, in Coimbatore.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi waves to the supporters, in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, on March 18. As part of the BJP’s ‘Mission 400’ campaign, the party focusses on winning as many of the 39 constituencies in Tamil Nadu.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays homage to the victims of the 1998 Coimbatore bomb blasts, at a function held in Coimbatore, on March 18. A total of 58 people died in a series of bomb blasts 26 years ago — on February 14, 1998, in Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore.
It was a ‘saffron wave’ from Mettupalayam Road to R.S. Puram, in Coimbatore as PM Modi, flanked by Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai, and Union Minister L. Murugan.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accompanied by BJP candidates, addressed a public meeting from a special vehicle, in Shivamogga, Karnataka on March 18, 2024. Photo: Special Arrangement