• Make two glasses of lime-mint juice with extra sugar. One for you, one for the person you’d otherwise be arguing with. Either sip in silence or share your favourite memories together. If you don’t have any, create them.

  • Excuse yourself to the toilet. Pick a chalk piece on the way and doodle on the inside of the bathroom door. My most memorable bathroom moment was at a cafe in Kochi that Apoorva Akka took us to. The door was filled with funny drawings and sayings. I was so engrossed that I forgot to pee and had to use the toilet in the clothes store we went to. (So boring that toilet was. Not even a mirror to make funny faces at.) Always keep a box of chalk at home.

  • If you must argue, then sing your arguments. By the end of your 23 minutes, you’ll both be rolling on the floor and have created a wonderful memory to share over your next glass of lime-mint juice with extra sugar. This was Sandy’s idea after our 17 argument about who’s better - Hermione or Ron. It ended with us jumping off the desk waving wands and chanting spells to the tune of Suprabatham. 

  • Watch an ant. If there are none around, go look for one. I have learnt more from 23 minutes of ant-watching than from the 20,000 hours of news debates that Appa and Murthy Mama force upon us, by claiming that they get to control the remote ‘cos they bought the TV.

  • Dance. Grownups make us attend half a dozen kind of dance classes but they forget that the point of dancing is to have fun. And with all that tension in their lives, it’ll be good for them to let loose. We young grownups are smarter that way. We always move our limbs wildly when dance music is on.

  • If your argument is scheduled after sunset, make use of the night sky. Even without the moon and stars, the dark blanket above makes you calm. It also makes you realise the pointlessness of the argument you were going to have.

  • Best of all, make your own list of things you could do in those 23 minutes. And do them.