• In a 2017 UNDP report on gender inequality, India ranked 125 of 159 countries. India’s female labour participation rate, this report noted, was 27.2% — the 14th lowest.
  • India’s own estimate of female employment is lower: 24%. Yet, the Indian woman spends an average of 297 minutes a day on unpaid labour including carework, the 11th highest among 67 countries rated by the International Labour Organisation, while the Indian man spends 31 minutes, the 4th lowest on the list.
  • Expenditure on ‘major morbidity’ (illness more serious than cough, fever and diarrhoea) for an Indian woman is on an average 28% lower than for a man, found Saikia et al in a 2016 study.
  • The average expenditure for a man was ₹10,165 and for a woman ₹7,383. Simply put, a woman’s life was 28% less valuable than a man’s.