• How does cancer screening work and what exactly does it reveal?
  • Cancer screening tests are used to detect either precancerous cells or early cancer in people with no symptoms. This allows healthcare professionals to a) prevent cancer by removing precancerous lesions and b) cure early-stage cancer.
  • Can screening be done for all cancers?
  • Screening is usually performed for breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate and lung cancer. In high-risk individuals, screening is also undertaken for skin, ovarian, endometrial and oral cancer.
  • When should one get screened?
  • Screening intervals depend on the type of cancer, age of the individual as well as his family and genetic history. Speak to your family doctor first, especially if a blood relative has had it.
  • (Inputs from Dr Santosh Gowda, Director (Medical Oncology), Fortis Hospital, Bengaluru)