Proceedings in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on Friday have been chaotic with protests and disruptions. Rajya Sabha proceedings were briefly suspended due to ruckus by Treasury Benches over the issue of reservation raised during a discussion on a private member’s bill. Earlier, Opposition members protested in the House after a notice under Rule 267 to discuss MUDA scam was refused but a BJP MP was allowed to raise the same issue in Zero Hour. The Lok Sabha was briefly adjourned in the first half of the day amid uproar by the Opposition and the Treasury Benches over remarks to divide West Bengal and an alleged scam involving a minister in the Karnataka government.
Both Houses of Parliament witnessed multiple disruptions on Thursday too, while debating the Union Budget 2024-25 on July 25. In the Lok Sabha, the Opposition claimed the Budget was ‘skewed towards Andhra Pradesh and Bihar’ while in the Raya Sabha, MPs claimed that the budget is anti-poor, anti-tribal and anti-women. Parliament Budget Session highlights on July 25
Also read | Heated debate continues as Opposition denounces ‘Andhra-Bihar skew’ in Budget
Here are the highlights: