1. Why is the BRICS summit important for India?: Will India and China have the opportunity to have bilateral talks on the Line of Actual Control dispute? How will fruitful discussions have a bearing on the G20 summit in Delhi next month? Will Russian President Vladimir Putin attend the meeting? explains Suhasini Haidar.
  2. Tatmadaw | Myanmar’s ‘killing machine’: The military, which has ruled Myanmar for most of its existence since independence, has started showing signs of weakness after the 2021 coup amid reports of low morale, defections and desertions, Saumya Kalia writes in The Hindu Profiles.
  3. A symbolic march to retrace history and assert rights: Members of Sri Lanka’s Malaiyaha Tamil community travelled over 250 km by foot over a fortnight to mark 200 years since their south Indian ancestors’ arrival in Sri Lanka, reports Meera Srinivasan.
  4. Ro Khanna | Pragmatic progressive: The U.S. Congressman, a member of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, seems to be settling into a Clinton-like pragmatist mode, G. Sampath writes in The Hindu Profiles.
  5. How the richest country in the world has allowed its poor to remain poor: Sociologist Mathew Desmond points out that poverty is deeply linked with racism, mass incarceration, the housing crisis, domestic violence, gun violence in neighbourhoods, the opioid epidemic, welfare cuts and social isolation, writes Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta.