• The Telecommunications Bill, 2023, was passed in Parliament this week. When it receives the assent of the President, the Bill will replace three archaic laws such as the Telegraph Act of 1885, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act of 1933 and The Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1950.
  • The Bill governs authorisation of telecommunication networks and services, provides for auctioning as well as administrative allocation of spectrum, defines the mechanism for exercising the right of way for laying telecom infrastructure such as cables in public as well as private property.
  • According to critics, the new Telecommunications Bill, 2023, is draconian and provides a legal architecture for mass surveillance and internet shutdowns. Among its several contentious clauses is the requirement that all users have to be identified through the use of “verifiable biometric based identification as may be prescribed” by telecommunication service providers.