1. Suhasini Haidar examines the factors behind the success of the G-20 Summit in New Delhi, and why India’s policy ‘mantras’ of multilateralism, multipolarity and the “middle way” won the day.
  2. Stanly Johny, on India and the great power contest in West Asia, writes why U.S.-China competition in the region gives New Delhi new opportunities for multi-engagement.
  3. Harsh V. Pant and Vivek Mishra explain the key role of Vietnam in America’s “Indo-Pacific puzzle”.
  4. Tejal Kanitkar and T. Jayaraman argue why at COP28, developing countries should only consider the 2030 global renewable energy target if the North commits to equitable absolute targets domestically.
  5. With reports last week emerging of China sentencing Uyghur intellectual Rahile Dawut to life in prison, we looked at the silencing and disappearing of leading writers, scholars and intellectuals in Xinjiang since Xi Jinping’s coming to power.