One Ajay Garg, alleged to be a close aide of Vijay Singla, the nephew of Union Railway Minister P.K. Bansal, was on Tuesday arrested after he surrendered before a CBI court here, which remanded him in the agency’s custody till May 9.
Special CBI Judge Swarna Kanta Sharma allowed the custodial interrogation of Mr. Garg after he claimed that he was surrendering before the court after “coming to know through media reports that the CBI is searching for him in the alleged bribery case”.
Mr. Garg, a resident of Panchkula and an alleged middleman in the railway bribery case, said in his application that “through media reports I came to know that I have been named as an accused in the alleged bribery case. I am voluntarily surrendering myself in the court to cooperate with the CBI in the ongoing investigation”.
The judge allowed the CBI to briefly interrogate Mr. Garg in the courtroom. The court also remanded Mr. Singla, Managing Director of GG Tronics India Pvt. Ltd Narain Rao Manjunath, and Sandeep Goyal, businessmen and official contractor to the Railway Board, in CBI custody till May 9. The agency submitted that further custodial interrogation was required to uncover the source of the Rs.2 crore alleged to have been paid to Mr. Singla by the accused Mahesh Kumar, Member (Staff) in the Railway Board.
Accused Vivek Kumar, Dharmendra Kumar, and businessmen Samir Sandhir and Rahul Yadav were, however, sent to 14-day judicial custody.
Published - May 07, 2013 06:46 pm IST