After facing a few rounds of questioning at Dispur police station, Mikhail Bora, appeared before the press on Thursday evening. “I told them all that I knew and they are not required to take me to Mumbai,” Mr. Bora told journalists in Guwahati. “When time comes I will divulge everything.” Later he drove to his grandparents place in the Guwahati’s upmarket Sunderpur Japarigog area.
It was one of the arduous nights for the grandparents of Mr. Bora, who are in their eighties. “They are extremely tormented as they are bed-ridden in full senses,” said a middle aged woman, close to the Mukherjeas.
“What I knew, was that the boy [Mikhail Bora] was in Guwahati to look after the ailing grandparents, as it happens in every other family, but now all kinds of stories are circulating. It is traumatic for the family,” said the woman, who stays close to the house of Mukherjeas. Refusing to divulge any details about the family, the middle-aged woman told The Hindu that a “couple of nurses” are with the family to take care of them.
City police Commissioner Mukesh Agrawal said: A case was registered in Khar police station, 406/15, and on basis of the case the officer and the constable spoke to Mr. Bora.
Published - August 28, 2015 02:40 am IST