Renowned sculptor Kanaka Murthy, known to be the first woman sculptor of the State, succumbed to COVID-19 on Thursday.
Born in 1942 in T. Narasipura, Mysuru, she was mesmerised by the sculptures at a temple in Mysuru in 1965 and took up sculpting as a passion, something rare for a woman in those times. She learnt sculpture from Devalakunda Vadiraj and emerged as a leading sculptor of her times.
Including Kuvempu’s bust at Lal Bagh West Gate in Bengaluru, over 200 of her works dot public spaces across the country. She has authored two books, an autobiography and a book on the art of sculpting. She has been awarded the Rajyotsava Award and Jakanachari Award, among others.
Published - May 15, 2021 03:03 am IST