Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday took a dig at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, asking whether he was not already working under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi.
Mr. Modi’s barb was a reference to Dr. Singh’s statement, earlier in the day, that Mr. Gandhi was the ideal choice for Prime Minister after the 2014 elections and that he was ready to work under the leadership of the Congress vice-president.
“PM talks of happily working under Rahul Gandhi’s leadership next year! Wasn’t he doing the same all these years? Misleading the nation again?” Mr. Modi tweeted.
In his reaction, BJP Deputy Leader in the Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad said: “If the Prime Minister wants to work under Rahul Gandhi it is his concern. The bigger question is whether the country is ready to accept Rahul Gandhi as PM. Recent surveys show the nation wants change.”
For the problems facing the country — be it corruption, price rise or roadblocks to development projects — Mr. Gandhi and his mother and Congress president Sonia Gandhi were no less responsible than Dr. Singh, Mr. Prasad said in New Delhi.
Published - September 07, 2013 11:37 pm IST