A local court in Bhiwandi has summoned Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi to appear before it on October 7 over his comments charging the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) with Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.
Mr. Gandhi, during his election rally in Bhiwandi on March 6 said, “RSS shot Mahatma Gandhi and now they are using his name to campaign for elections.”
A local RSS functionary had filed a defamation suit against Mr. Gandhi on March 18 against the remarks. “The court has found a prima facie case against Mr. Rahul Gandhi,” said advocate Ganesh Dhargalkar who represented the petitioner.
The judicial magistrate served the notice under Section 500 of the IPC. As per the Section, whoever defames another shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both. The next hearing is on October 7.
Published - July 12, 2014 05:37 am IST