Union Minister and LJP Chief Ram Vilas Paswan on Sunday sought an independent and fair probe into the stampede outside Gandhi Maidan in Patna on October 3 that left 33 people dead.
In order to know the reasons that led to the stampede there should be an independent and fair probe into the incident, Mr. Paswan said in his letter to Home Minister Rajnath Singh.
The Union Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Minister said action should be taken against those found guilty.
Mr. Paswan, who along with his son and LJP MP Chirag Paswan had visited the spot and the hospital where the injured were being treated, blamed the lack of arrangements by the local administration for the tragedy.
“There was just one passage for lakhs of people and that too was broken.... It is difficult to walk even in normal circumstances, so what could have happened during the stampede?” Mr. Paswan asked.
He said according to information received by him, there were no basic arrangements at the venue like presence of emergency teams, NDRF, ambulance and medical teams.
Published - October 05, 2014 07:25 pm IST