BJP on Monday said NDA’s rise in poll-bound Bihar has prompted the alliance between RJD and JD(U) claiming the two are clutching to each other like a drowning man to a twig, and said that their coming together “has scared the people once again”.
Describing the coming together of Congress, RJD and JD(U) as one due to forced circumstances, BJP said their coming together has once again scared the people of Bihar who voted for JD(U) and BJP alliance to save themselves from the ‘ Jungle Raj ’ of Lalu Prasad.
“The rise of BJP-led NDA has forced the RJD and JD(U) to come together. They are also clinging on to each other like a drowning man clutches to a twig. They will not be able to defeat a rising BJP in the state.
“Their coming together has scared the people of Bihar once again, who after being scared of the ‘ Jungle Raj ’ under Mr. Prasad had voted for Mr. Kumar earlier,” BJP national spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain told PTI .
Attacking the Bihar Chief Minister, Mr. Hussain said Mr. Kumar would not be able to win over the hearts of people of Bihar as people are scared of the corruption of Congress, ‘ Jungle Raj ’ of Mr. Prasad and the misgovernance during his own regime.
“By aligning with Congress and RJD, Nitish Kumar will not be able to win over the hearts of people of Bihar,” he said.
Mr. Hussain added that the BJP-led alliance of Ram Vilas Paswan’s LJP and Upender Kushwaha’s Rashtriya Lok Samata Party (RLSP) will emerge victorious and will defeat all such forces trying to defeat the BJP.
Meanwhile, Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who hails from Bihar, said the political credibility of Mr. Kumar hinged on his opposition to Mr. Prasad’s ‘ Jungle Raj ’ and he fought against Mr. Prasad to establish himself as a leader in the state.
“The day he shook hands with Lalu Yadav, his political credibility has been completely eroded. Two zeros don’t add up to anything. Bihar is heading for a big change,” he said.
The minister said the same experiment was to a very great extent tried during the Lok Sabha elections and both Mr. Kumar and Mr. Prasad explicitly opposed Narendra Modi, which they are trying to again replicate.
“The people of Bihar are watching this and I am sure with all this happening, the BJP is going to come with a thumping majority in the state of Bihar,” Rudy said.
Published - June 08, 2015 07:37 pm IST