The Bombay High Court on Tuesday granted temporary bail on medical grounds to Delhi University Professor G.N. Saibaba, who was arrested for alleged links with the Maoists.
"We are satisfied that if Mr. Saibaba is not released on temporary bail for medical treatment and supportive care, there is a risk to his life and health. After having considered his medical condition, this court would be failing in its duty to protect his fundamental right," a division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice S.B. Shukre observed.
As per the conditions of bail, the court directed the State to make "appropriate arrangements" for surveillance of his movements, which includes posting guards outside his residence in Delhi.
The court's ruling came in response to a suo motu PIL based on an email to the Chief Justice by activist Purnima Upadhyay in which she cited > a news report in The Hindu .