In a bizarre yet tragic incident, one person died and another was critically injured in the Kalyani area in Nadia district as they were run over by a train while they were taking selfies on Friday.
The incident took place near the Kalyani Silpanchal Railway station at around 4.30 pm. Sourav Dey and Abhishek Roy, both BA first year students of the Kalyani Mahavidyalaya college, were taking selfies on the track when they were hit by a train.
While Mr. Dey succumbed to his injuries at a district hospital, Mr. Roy’s condition continues to be critical.
Superintendent of Railway Police Sealdah, Debashis Bej confirmed the death. “One youth has died another got injured in Kalyani after being hit by train while taking selfies,” he told The Hindu .
Published - November 28, 2015 12:00 am IST