The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Fellowship Programme for 2022-24 was launched in the city on Thursday, with 30 Fellows who will be working in identified thematic areas on the research and implementation of schemes.
Chief Minister M.K. Stalin welcomed the 30 candidates chosen as part of the fellowship and gave away laptops to them at the Anna Administrative Staff College.
Speaking about the fellowship programme, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister T. Udhayachandran said they had received over 25,000 applications. “The candidates were filtered down to 18,000 based on the eligibility criteria and then went on to take tests and attend interviews. We analysed the profiles of the 30 candidates chosen as part of the first cohort, and they are a mix of professionals, academic achievers and persons who have contributed to scientific research, and we are happy to welcome everyone,” he said.
Among the thematic areas the Fellows will be working are water resources, agricultural production, skill development and entrepreneurship, heritage and culture, education, health indicators and housing.
Chief Secretary V. Irai Anbu said this was the first time in Tamil Nadu that a Fellowship like this has been launched. “There are several schemes and initiatives being implemented by the government, and the chosen candidates will bring in new perspectives and ideas on its implementation and what can be done better,” he said. The Bharathidasan Institute of Management in Tiruchi will be the academic partner for the initiative, he added.
A Government Order issued on the Fellowship Scheme said they would monitor and identify issues, aid in decision making in their assigned fields and address gaps and optimise qualitative delivery of services.