People coming from Tamil Nadu with Seva Sindhu e-pass had a tough time entering the city on Sunday. Owing to the lockdown, the police had denied entry for vehicles coming from Tamil Nadu at Attibele check-post. It was only after the higher-ups intervened that people with passes were allowed into the State.
Subhashree Rajendran, a resident of Hebbal, said she spent over two hours at the check-post after the police denied entry. “I had gone to Tamil Nadu to bring back my brother who was stranded there. We also had the required e-pass from the Seva Sindhu portal having validity for Sunday. When we reached the check-post, we were told by the police that they had instructions not to allow vehicles as the curfew was in place. We reached there at around 12 noon and spent over two hours at the check-post. Like us, there were around 50 vehicles lined up at the check-post; there were elderly people, children, and pregnant women. The police asked us to come back on Monday morning at 6 a.m., but our pass was valid for only Sunday. We were allowed to enter the city only after we brought the issue to the notice of higher officials over the phone,” she said.
Some even alleged that people heading towards the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) were stuck at the check-post.
Published - July 05, 2020 11:38 pm IST