A Grade One Foreman of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board here M. Balaramalingam, 48, on Tuesday donated his one month salary of ₹ 70,603 to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund towards the war against COVID-19.
Mr. Balaramalingam, a father of two girl children, said that it was his small contribution to fight the deadly virus.
He handed over his consent letter to the Superintending Engineer, (Madurai-Metro), S. Vennila, on Tuesday.
“All of our employees are given one day or more than one-day salary towards the CMPRF. However, the foreman has come forward to donate his one month salary,” the SE said while appreciating his gesture.
Mr. Balaramalingam said that he had been doing little bit of social work now and then.
“I discussed with my wife, Chandra, who is a staff nurse at the Government Rajaji Hospital on our role in the fight against VODI-19 and we finalised this decision,” he said.
Stating that he has worked under trying conditions in cyclone-hit areas in the State to restore power supply, he said that he was aware of the human sufferings during such calamities.
“This time, the entire State has been affected. I could not do much amidst the fear of contracting the infection. Besides, the State government also encouraged to do all help through the State machinery,” he said.
Despite the educational expenses he needs to meet after the summer vacation and the home loan EMI of ₹ 13,000, he said he chose to give in the larger interest of the people.
“We can manage with my wife’s salary this month. All the daily wage labourers were hit badly by the lockdown. If with our contribution the Government is able to feed at least 10 families, it will bring us lot of satisfaction,” he said.
Published - April 21, 2020 06:54 pm IST