The Delhi government on Sunday instructed all health care facilities to carry out compulsory rapid antigen detection testing of patients with ILI symptoms, patients admitted with SARI and other high-risk individuals who visit their facilities.
An order issued by the Delhi Health department directed all medical directors, medical superintendent and directors of all Delhi government-run hospitals to ensure that “rapid antigen detection testing” of all individuals/patients falling in the categories listed, who visit their hospital, is mandatorily done.
All individuals with influenza-like illness (ILI) symptoms, all patients admitted with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) are to be mandatorily tested, it said.
“All asymptomatic patients admitted or seeking admission of following high - risk group -- Patients undergoing Chemotherapy, Immunosuppressed patient including HIV+, Patients with Malignant disease, Transplant Patients, Elderly patients with co-morbidities and all asymptomatic patients undergoing aerosol generating interventions,” the order said.