Reacting sharply to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks in the rally allegedly targeting him, Aam Aadmi Party convener Arvind Kejriwal said his party had proved that it was as good with governance as it was with dharnas. “I was referred to as an anarchist, Maoist and as someone who only knows how to lead protests. But even the Prime Minister did not question our government’s record during the 49 days we ruled in Delhi,” he said.
Accusing the BJP of basing its campaign on a negative agenda, the former Delhi Chief Minister said he considered Mr. Modi’s silence on specific governance issues a certificate issued to his tenure.
“People of Delhi have already acknowledged that our performance was good. Now that the Prime Minister’s address to the rally was limited to making personal attacks, it is clear that even the BJP holds the same view,” said Mr. Kejriwal.
WATCH: BJP didn't find fault in AAP's 49 days' rule, shows governance was good: Kejriwal
'Modi belittling national outrage'
Accusing the BJP of basing its campaign on a negative agenda, former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Admi party convener Arvind Kejriwal said he considered Mr. Modi’s silence on specific governance issues a certifi-cate issued to his tenure.
Reacting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s scathing criticism at a rally in Delhi on Saturday, Mr Kejriwal took on Mr Modi for his remarks on protest at a venue where social activist Anna Hazare had staged a protest for the Jan Lokpal nearly three years ago.
“It was one of the biggest movements in India post-Independence and the huge crowds that poured in were symptomatic of the national outrage against corruption. That protest was mocked at by the PM,” he said.
He also took a dig at Mr. Modi for advising the crowd to use LED bulbs to save electricity, saying it was the AAP government that had reduced electricity bills by slashing tariffs and would do the same if re-elected.
“In contrast, the Prime Minister’s suggestion, by his own admission, will save every household Rs. 300 annually, which comes to just Rs. 25 per month,” Mr Kejriwal said.
According to the AAP leader, the BJP has done several u-turns on promises, including those on the power front.
Published - January 10, 2015 08:18 pm IST